A glimpse into my journey through this valley in my life, called CANCER...looking ahead to the mountain before me and anticipating the reward when I reach the top of this hard climb, trusting and praising my Jesus the whole way!

But I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more. Psalms 71:14

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

An emotional day!

This bell hangs in the cancer center and when you have completed your last treatment you get to ring it.  The nurses all cheer for you and I always find myself in tears when I get to see this happen.  First, I am happy for the person who gets to ring it ,but at the same time I can't wait until it is my turn.

Well, today I found out that there has been some sort of miscommunication issue.  I have been of the mind set this whole time that my last treatment would be Sept. 19th which would be 2 more treatments after today.  By the way, my schedule is off for those of you who are faithfully praying for me on tx days.  I had off an extra week last week so my little family could do a mini vacation before Connor started back to school today.  It was also good to give my mind a mental break as well.   But still, with all this figured in, I have been counting on 2 more tx's.  They now tell me that I have 4 more with my last tx probably ending Oct. 19th.  I must say that I was very upset, feeling down, and honestly a tad bit angry.  I realize that to most of you 2 more treatments may not sound overwhelming.  It is really a mental process that I now have to reprogram in my mind.  After a lot of crying and talking to Jesus, my husband and also several other family members, I know that I can do this with His strength.  Folks, my hope remains in Jesus and I continue to feel the amazing power of all of your prayers.

Connor's first day of 2nd grade!

As I walked back to my seat and was sitting down, I felt woozy(is that a word?) and somewhat off balance.  I didn't think much about it because that is how I feel during these treatments.  My sister Bev was with me for the day and she said "Tina, do you feel this building moving?".  Sure enough, it was moving and although it was very subtle, it was disturbing since you know that there is quite a lot of building over head.  My IV bags were swaying slightly back and forth.  The nurses who were walking around didn't notice it, but those people sitting in chairs seemed to be the ones who felt it.
We turned on the news to discover minutes later that it was indeed a 5.9 earthquake in the middle of Virginia(10 -12 miles from the home of my brother Dean and his family...they are OK). 

The positive of the day was a surprise visit at the cancer center from a friend during her lunch break.  Charlotte is dear lady who has dealt with lymphoma during the past several years and so her encouragement was very dear to me.

I have been blessed by so many cards and scrapbook pages of encouragement.  So I will end with a card that I received this week from one of my faraway friends(Indiana).  It reads "Your silent prayers uttered on tear stained pillows were heard before they were said.  Your deepest questions were answered before they were asked.  He sees you...He hears you...He knows you... Max Lucado"........."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.  Jeremiah 1:5"

Good night my friends!